“Everyone can acquire knowledge, but wisdom comes at a price."
- Glenn Miller, during his class in November
To celebrate an incredible year of coaching, relationship-building, and wisdom, here is free access to four of our Liv.Aligned classes held in 2022. Use them to improve your financial decision-making, breath better, balance a -burned out - life, and get in tune with your spiritual side.
Plus I include my biggest takeaway from each class!
Chris Howard's Overview of the Economic Landscape - The financial and economic markets have not hit their bottom yet. The next 4 quarters will be recessionary. Here's how to prepare for it.
Jane Tarrant Retrains Our Breathing - Keep your tongue completely at the top of your mouth - at all times - if you want to sleep better, reduce panic attacks, and have white teeth.
Glenn Miller's 2008 Recession Burnout Experience - Don't isolate yourself in moments of crisis by doubling down and working double the hours. You will face a severe burnout like he did. Hire the expertise because there's a lot of wisdom out there, be smart to find it.
Rose Boghos's Spiritual Readings of 2022/2023 - Experience a 5 minute grounding session that got my right knee hurting (and what it meant). Plus, 2023 is a year about EXPOSURE, exposing the truths that are right in front of our eyes. It is also a magic year for manifesting very specific things.
I hope you enjoy these classes. Please email me at tracey@livlitceo.com with your biggest takeaway from one of the classes and let me know how you plan to reflect on 2022.
Lots of love,
xx Tracey
CEO, Co-Founder and Master Coach with Liv.Lit!
PS Let's coach together in 2023. Apply for an Intro Coaching Call